#Shopping mall project icse java software
Another concern was the software evolution. By doing so, we could get a working version of OurGrid with a reduced number of bugs (OurGrid 2.1.3). The first step was to use AspectJ to debug OurGrid and get a better idea and control of its threads, especially during tests. At that point, we have decided to experiment with AOP techniques to identify the problems associated with the software. The several application concerns were not well isolated, and the application tests were not reliable since they could fail either due to an insufficient time to wait before an assertion or due to a bug.
#Shopping mall project icse java code
Nevertheless, changing the code in a secure way had become a challenge and a very error-prone task. At this point, the bugs begun to appear and we started to identify improvements that needed to be performed. After the integration process, OurGrid 2.0 was released and used. In fact, both grid infrastructure and applications are currently very brittle. Besides the usual difficulties in developing and testing multi-threaded and distributed software, grids add new challenges due to their wide-dispersion, loose coupling, and presence of multiple administrative domains. However, providing high-quality automatic tests for a grid solution is a complex task. In order to help the integration process, automatic tests needed to be provided by each integrator, and all the tests needed to be executed before the integration was completed. Most of the new features have been developed by independent teams.

If on the one hand the inclusion of new capabilities was a good evolution for the original idea on the other hand, it introduced chaos to the project. The architecture of the system had to be modified to accommodate such new features. Several research results (e.g., fault management, resource sharing, application scheduling, etc) have been incorporated into the original prototype.

This solution has grown in several ways and has become widely used. OurGrid started by providing a simple and complete way for users to run applications over all resources they could log in. OurGrid leverages the fact that people do not use their computers all the time. OurGrid is an open, free-to-join, cooperative grid in which institutions donate their idle computational resources in exchange for accessing someone else's idle resources when needed. Keywords: Separation of Concerns, AspectJ, Grid Computing, Software Reengineering, Software Architecture, Tests.

We also highlight the lessons learned in the process of regaining control of the software. Besides, we also present the aspects designed for managing the threads and for aiding the testing of multithreaded code. In particular, we present the event-based pattern designed to better isolate the middleware concerns and the threads. We discuss how the lack of separation of concerns created difficulties in the project design and development and how AOP has been introduced to overcome these problems. The essential direction of our approach was to get the project (and the software) back in shape. This paper reports our experience in using Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) in the process of redesigning the OurGrid middleware. After two years of development, it was necessary to redesign OurGrid in order to cope with the integration problems that emerged. This was not different in OurGrid, a project whose objective was to develop a free-to-join grid. ILaboratório de Sistemas Distribuídos Departamento de Sistemas e Computação Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, 58109-970, Campina Grande, PB, Brazil ayla, Lab - Research and Development design and development of distributed software is a complex task. Separation of Concerns AspectJ Grid Computing Software Reengineering Software Architecture Tests The design and development of distributed software is a complex task.